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Mosquito Moment

May contain: advertisement and poster

Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District's news source provides relevant mosquito and vector news.

Discover the latest mosquito-related stories and up-to-date public health news in your community. Tune in to the latest West Nile virus weekly updates, national and local news, and entertainment. 

May contain: person and human
May contain: person, human, outdoors, vegetation, plant, garden, helmet, clothing, and apparel
May contain: person, human, photographer, camera, and electronics
May contain: person, human, pants, clothing, apparel, and furniture

Do you have a local news channel that will air Mosquito Moment? Agencies with local news channels interested in sharing Mosquito Moment videos can email 


West Nile Virus Weekly Updates

Catch up on the latest West Nile virus activity detections in our district. Data collected from the disease surveillance traps alert us to when mosquitoes are actively transmitting diseases. View to see the latest cities and communities with confirmed West Nile virus activity. 

View our West Nile virus Activity for 2022 to see if your community has confirmed positive mosquitoes.

Local News

Stay informed about local alerts and highlights from the district. Learn about local events, collaborations, and up-to-date insights from the district. 


Educational News

Learn about common recommendations for protecting yourself from mosquitoes and mosquito-transmitted diseases. We also feature outreach and learning opportunities for you and your family. 


MM Live- Street Team

Mosquito Moment is hitting the streets of greater Los Angeles County, asking residents mosquito-related questions. View Episode 1 of Street Team below.